Komisja Europejska wspiera działania dotyczące pobierania i przeszczepiania narządów, m.in. poprzez realizację projektów finansowanych ze środków Unii Europejskiej.
EUDONORGAN [ang. Training and Social Awareness for Increasing Organ Donation in the European Union and Neighbouring countries]

Program ma na celu zwiększenie wiedzy i świadomości społecznej na temat donoacji narzadów pośród uczestników projektu z krajów Unii Europejskiej i krajów sąsiednich.

14 września br. w Warszawie odbędzie się jedno z sześciu zaplanowanych szkoleń w ramach projektu EUDONORGAN. Wezmą w nim udział przedstawiciele organizacji transplantacyjnych z Polski, Czech, Litwy, Łotwy i Słowacji oraz eksperci międzynarodowi. Szkolenie przeznaczone jest zarówno dla personelu medycznego jak również dla osób propagujących idee donacji i transplantacji.


Strona internetowa projektu: http://eudonorgan.eu/

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Social Awareness Event in Warsaw, Poland, organized in the framework of the EUDONORGAN Project – “Training and Social Awareness for Increasing Organ Donation in the European Union and Neighbouring Countries.”
EUDONORGAN is a service contract, awarded by the European Commission from the European Union budget, on the initiative of the European Parliament.
We are delighted to organize and host the EUDONORGAN Social Awareness Event in Poland as the first of six selected European countries in order to spread organ donation culture.

Agenda for EUDONORGAN Warsaw, September 14th 2018:

14th September (Friday)
09:30-11:00Registration of participants
10:00Press conference
Morning session: Organ and tissue donation in practiceChair: Chief Physician Danica Avsec, MD, Slovenija Transplant, EUDONORGAN WP 2 leader
11:00Welcome and support statementMr Sławomir Gadomski Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Poland

Assoc. Prof. Artur Kamiński, M.D., Ph.D.,
Polish Transplant Coordinating Centre

Poltransplant, National Centre for Tissue and Cell Banking, Warsaw, Poland
11:15“Tour de table” with participantsAssoc. Prof. Artur Kamiński, M.D., Ph.D.
11:25Context of the event: project presentationMelania Istrate, Ph.D., EUDONORGAN Project Coordinator, Barcelona, Spain
11:45European activities in the field of Organ Donation and TransplantationMs. Ingrida Pucinskaite-Kubik, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
12:05Organ and tissue donation: state of art in Poland

- Questions & answers
Assoc. Prof. Jarosław Czerwiński, M.D., Ph.D.,
Polish Transplant Coordinating Centre Poltransplant, Warsaw, Medical University in Warsaw, Poland
12:25Living donation. Benefits and risksAssoc. Prof. Tomasz Jakimowicz, M.D., Ph.D.,
Medical University in Warsaw, Poland
13:15Testimony of a living donor

- Questions & answers
Mr Przemysław Saleta, Poland
13:30Testimony of an active member of a patient support group

- Questions & answers
Mr Jan Stępniak, Poland
13:45Personal journey of an organ recipient

- Questions & answers
Mrs Małgorzata Rejdych, Poland
14:00Hospital quality system in organ donation:

role of hospital director

role of transplant co-ordinator

- Questions & answers
Wojciech Saucha, M.D., PhD.
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, Poland
14:30Authorisation consent to deceased donationAnna Jakubowska-Winecka, Ph.D., Warsaw, Poland
Afternoon Session: The role and impact of media on organ and tissue donationChair: Jana Šimenc, Ph.D., Slovenia-transplant, Slovenia
16:15Social media as new communication channels to raise awareness in donation.

The role of media in raising social awareness in organ and tissue donation
- Questions & answers
Mr Krystian Cieślak, Poland

Mr Adam Rogala, Poland
16:35Moving beyond positive and negative impact of the media: short presentations and open discussionModerator: Jana Šimenc, PhD, Slovenia-transplant, Slovenia

Short presentations: Representatives of Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Poland
17:35How to manage adverse publicityMr Adam Rogala, Poland
18:00Closing remarks

Quality control evaluation questionnaire
Assoc. Prof. Artur Kamiński, M.D., Ph.D.,
Polish Transplant Coordinating Centre

Poltransplant, National Centre for Tissue and Cell Banking, Warsaw, Poland