TPM Course, Italy

TPM Course, Italy
Family approach for organ donation
15 – 17 April 2008

Health professionals and especiallyTransplant Coordinators develop multiple tasks in their professional activity whose success is bound, to a great extent, to their communicative skills.
Breaking bad news, facing the interview for organ donation consent, broadcasting messages through the mass media and establishing a proper relationship with the health professionals are some of these tasks.
To provide the communicative skills, tools and strategies to handle emotions required to successfully carry out the breaking of bad news.
To learn a systematic process to obtain consent for organ donation through a successful family interview.
To acquire the competence to handle a breakdown situation, helping the family to work through the most adjustable grieving process.
To provide the knowledge needed to broadcast society about donation and transplantation and its medical and legal aspects.
Addressed to:
Health professionals ofCritical Care Units, anaesthesiologists, neurologists and average experienced Transplant Coordinators in charge of carrying out the task of breaking bad news, conducting family interviews to request consent for organ and tissue donation.
Methodology of the family interview process
The supportive relationship; verbal and non-verbal communication skills
Medical-social risk factors
Legislation in organ and tissues donation.
– Breaking bad news
– Family approach for organ donation
– Relatives’ refusal: reasons and withdrawal of refusal
– Family interview simulation
– Closing remarks
Forums might be gathered intwo and a half days (total 30 h.) including general sessions and practices.
Theoretical classes andpractical simulations according to TPM philosophy and learning methodology will guarantee the content’s acquisition.
Polish Participants of this TPM Course edition:
Adam Piasecki The Medical University of Warsaw, 2nd Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Marcin Samokar General Hospital Lubin
Roman Skowroński Medical University of Gdańsk, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Monika Trujnara Specialistic Hospital of Międzylesie
Artur Zaczyński Warsaw Regional Hospital BRODNO