Journalists’ Workshop on Organ donation and transplantation
Dear all,
The next edition of the Journalists’ Workshop on Organ donation and transplantation which will take place next 18 October in Brussels.
It is organised for journalists from EU countries to raise their awareness of the crucial role they play towards general public. It is an activity under the EU Action Plan on organ donation and transplantation and it is for journalists from the general as well as specialised media.
Within summer, already 35 journalists from 17 countries expressed their interest to take part, but some of them did not confirm, or confirmed and withdraw… So there are now still about 15 places to be filled.
So far we have circulated the information through our lists of health journalists who already expressed in the past their interest to be informed on health matters at EU level (for example participants of the EU Health prize for Journalists), and also through the Representations of the Commission in your countries – so we covered all EU countries.
But we felt that it would be useful to activate your own communication channels, as you may have contacts with journalists keen on writing on organ donation and transplantation.
One condition is to speak English.
For the rest, if they confirm their motivation & availability, they have good chances to be invited – in particular if they come from a country not or less reresented so far (Commission would pay for the travel and accomodation):
BE, BG, DK, FI, GR, HU, LT, LU, NL, PL, SK, SP, SW, UK + Germany since yesterday (the one we had withdraw her registration)
And even if your country is already represented, it does not harm to circulate the information, as long as you don’t promise a place: maybe they will get one + they would be „aware” of the topic and for next editions…
So please feel free to forward the information to journalists you may have in your network !
- You can forward the „application form” attached
- And tell them to send it back to this email address, dedicated to the Workshop: