Introductory Program for Transplantation (IPT)

Objective This is a new e-learning course established to teach all the multi-disciplinary staff involved in transplantation about the basics of transplant. IPT has been designed to take trainees from elementary knowledge to the more advanced level where they may be able to take on the ESOT Hesperis Course or ETFW. IPT should be considered as a first step to learning in organ transplantation.
Target Group The course is open to all of those involved in a multi-disciplinary team. This includes young doctors as well as those who need basic knowledge in organ transplantation for their daily work, nurses working in transplant units, transplant co-ordinators, laboratory staff as well as general practitioners who look after transplant recipients.
Application & deadline There is no limitation in number and those trainees noted above can apply.
Registration will be open on September the 28th. 2009.
Fee is 400 Euros for physicians and reduced to 300 Euros for other staff working within the transplant unit.
IPT will begin in November 2009. Students will be allowed until June 2010 to pass through all 14 modules.
The final examination will take place electronically early in July 2010.
Course Programme The course programme of the IPT Course can be found 
Registration on line (CV required) and payment on line by credit card only.  
Course description The IPT attempts to provide elementary knowledge in transplantation for those who are entering the field. Fourteen modules covering the major aspects of organ transplantation are directed by European eminent transplant specialists.
Please click here to register online