2nd Exam for the European Diploma in Transplantation

2nd Exam for the European Diploma in Transplantation.
Application deadline June 30, 2008

Applications are invited for the 2nd exam organised by the Division ofTransplantation of the Union Européene des Medecins Spécialistes (UEMS) Section of Surgery and the European Board of Surgery (EBS) in collaboration with the European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT) for awarding the European Diploma in Transplantation Surgery.
The exam will take place on Friday the 26th of September 2008 in Berlin. Deadline for applications: 30th of June 2008.
For more information regarding the eligibility criteria, application and examination process please visit: http://www.uemssurg.org or contact:
– Mr. Vassilios E. Papalois MD, PhD, FICS, FRCS
Chairman, Division of Transplantation UEMS-EBS
– Professor Daniel Casanova
Secretary, Division of Transplantation UEMS-EBS
e-mail: danielcasanova@telefonica.net